Sunday, March 27, 2022

Blog Post #1: 5 News Sources

 #1 Al Jazeera

I like Al Jazeera because it was one of my main news sources while I was in Saudi Arabia. It gives the unique perspective of the Middle East. One Western media constantly fails to properly portray. I also get a real understanding of the turmoil that present in the Middle East.

#2 Microsoft Edge News Stream

I like this one because it gives me news about all sorts of things. I don't read all of them, but the sources range left to right. I think it is important to get all the points of views out there.

#3 Twitter

I know. It's twitter. I like only because I can get an idea of what's trending in the US and the wider world. I take every headline with a grain of salt. I at least know what's going on and I can do further research.

#4 Snapchat

I like specifically NowThis because it's quick. I get updated and it's the first piece of news I see when I wake up. Just a bit of information to take in to start my day.

#5 YouTube

I get a little bit of news from YouTube. I don't go out of my way to search for it, it just passively comes up thanks to my recommendation. It's not any particular news channel. Sometimes Fox, other times maybe John Oliver. Just depends on what pops up and if it interests me.

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