Friday, April 29, 2022

Final Presentation


  • How did the World Wide Web in general change the world of mass communication?

It allowed us to more or less have instant communication with anyone, anywhere, at any time. Movies and other media have predicted it. But to see it come true for those who are old enough must have been surreal. 

  • How did the personal blogging platform — and then Facebook and Twitter — change the world of mass communication?

It allowed anyone to post their thoughts online for people to see. No longer was recorded history only for the famous. It could be used for the average citizen in almost any country. It got the peoples maybe needed opinions out there for the world to deal with.

  • In what ways does blogging and social media challenge the hegemony of the so-called Mainstream Media? (First of all, what is hegemony?)

Hegemony is defined as leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others. With that in mind, we can understand that people's blogs challenge the media hegemony by allowing ordinary people to create media and post it. Or reporting the news themselves.

  • In what ways did blogging and social media platforms act as so-called “disruptive technologies?” Disrupt what? How?

It disrupted the media empires that had ruled the world for decades. It was because it was no longer under their influence that only messages and content made by the masses got out there. 

  • In what ways did blogging and social media act as tools for empowerment? Empower whom? To what ends?

It was a way for people to let their thoughts and voices be heard. The average person compared to the company.

  • In what ways do blogging and social media advance First Amendment imperatives and what we have dubbed Values of Free Expression? How so?

The message you spread on the internet is protected. It has become a digital marketplace of ideas.

  • What do you think Martin Luther King would have done if blogging and social media had been around in the 1960s?

I think he would have used it to spread his message across the world, not just the United States. He also would probably have seen the very depths of human morality. Anonymity is one of the biggest reasons people become so mean on the internet.

  • How do blogging and social media hold potential to advance social movements and political mobilizations like the Civil Rights Movement?

We already see that with BLM and people pushing for equal rights in the LGBT community. People organize online for demonstrations on the streets.

  • On a more personal level, what were the things you found hardest about keeping up a blog this semester?

I despise writing and I wish I did not have to do it as often as I’ve had to. I at least have the fortune of being a good writer according to my professors. It has always been difficult to keep up the motivation to write these blog posts. But I can say a last second boost of motivation can do a lot to make someone work. And plenty of good music.

  • What were the things you found enjoyable about keeping up a blog this semester?

I enjoyed exploring my thoughts on this. I feel I got to know myself better in a way.

  • What are some things you would recommend to future students about keeping up a blog throughout the semester?

Just keep up with it. And ask questions.

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Final Presentation

  How did the World Wide Web in general change the world of mass communication? It allowed us to more or less have instant communication wit...