Friday, April 29, 2022

Blog #12: The Final Post

 Do you think your relationship with technology is healthy? Why or why not? 

I think my relationship with technology is healthy right now. When I was younger, I had 0 restraint when it came to technology. I had to be online all the time. YouTube was my biggest go to. 

Do you think that you are giving technology the appropriate amount of time in your life, or do you think that technology is taking up too much time in your life?

 I think technology has taken an appropriate amount of my time only because I spend all my time working on games as I am a game major. If I wasn't, I would say it takes up too much of my time and should probably get outside more. I of course would deny that statement only because I don't want to hear it from me or my family. Funny how that works.

Do you think technology is informing you and making you smarter, or do you think that technology might be misleading you and giving you unreliable information? 

Technology is how I get my ideas to the masses. It's how I am able to convey to my family, who are very out of touch with the modern world for some reason on some topics, the things they should know about the world. I also always check my sources as I have been burned for not doing that before. 

Do you ever worry about these things, or do you think it's just an accepted part of the society we live in?

I don't worry about it because it is just a part of society. I do worry about the possibility of collapse. This is because what had been so ingrained into society would suddenly disappear. All that knowledge gone from convenience. I'm sure we'll adapt back to pre-internet, but it would still be a sad loss.

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